is the key. Cooperation makes it easier for everybody. Thinking cooperative leads to more cooperation. Thinking competitive leads to more competition .
Competitive games are fun as long they are played fair and you not loose too much. Cooperative games  are  much more fun and have the potential to  lead to higher performance as well.
Such creativity management is quite new though .The leak of creative ability and intelligence paired with uncontrolled opportunism is usually very much dominating .even it’s a proven fact that it usually leads to disadvantages.
Here is the opportunity for a few hundred ,may be even a few thousand businesses to try it the creative cooperative way ,right here with us.
It does not matter what ever the size of your Company. or if you are retailing ore whole selling . What matters most ,is that you know what you want to do, and what need to be done in cooperation ,so that you can work efficiently.
Who ever had already ever took part in a creative open source project should be familiar with this .
For others which have no idea of it ,this might sound to good to be true like.  Don’t be confused .Fact is : With the right tools, it’s in fact  not such a biggy.
Usually we are working with “PREMAVERA 6”,” MINDJET 2012 “and “Planning Force”. For the start up“OPEN PROJ “ will also do .
And of course there  are also ways for people not using such software , and even those which  are not familiar with using computers at all. Just contact for more information